Info artista

Graduated in Educational Sciences, Lucilla combines the great passions that have always accompanied her: singing, dancing, and love for children. With the support of children's imagination, she creates one of the most beloved and followed characters in children's entertainment today.

Lucilla comes from the sun, bringing rays of happiness to play and sing with children.

A key figure in the Italian language for Alman Kids, the artist has become especially popular among young children through the YouTube platform, where her videos and songs have garnered the approval of families, surpassing 700 million views in just over two years.

Through a fun and cheerful show, both recreational and educational, Lucilla has started a live activity across the country, performing on the stages of theaters, arenas, shopping centers, and in major amusement parks.

Official Release

Aspetto Babbo Natale
Quattro vampiri
Arriva Lucilla
La befana vien di notte
Giu Giù
Uova di Pasqua
La settimana di Halloween
Cinque uova (Di Pasqua)
ВСI ЗВIРЯТА (Tutti gli animali)
Una bella colazione
Cinque Zombie
Una lettera vera
Gioca Jouer
Il Safari Africano
Facciamo la Macedonia
ABC Impariamo insieme (Let's learn together)
Dove c'è l'arcobaleno